How do I upload a photo or video in the app?

  • Updated

You can upload photos and videos in three ways, all of which require you to sign in / create an account.

  • Sign in or create an account through the hamburger menu located in the top left of the home screen. Once signed in you can upload by tapping on the “upload” button on your profile page and following the remaining on-screen instructions.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the home screen where you will find our “Photos” section. Here you will find 4 photos in a grid, with the bottom right photo displaying an upload button. Additionally if you enter the photos screen you can upload by tapping on the upload button in the bottom right corner and following the on-screen instructions. You will need to sign in or create an account as the final step to completing your upload.
  • On our videos page accessed through our bottom navigation you will find “user videos”. In the bottom right corner tap on the upload button and follow the on-screen instructions. You will need to sign in or create an account as the final step to completing your upload.

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